

Michelle Mitchell

Email: Safeguarding@bptfl.co.uk
Phone: 07989 964014

Michelle is the designated safeguarding person (DSP) for the Bridgend Port Talbot Football League. Michelle's responsibilities in her role are as follows;

- Support club safeguarding officers with their duties and offer support and guidance.

- Communicate leagues responsibility to safeguard children.

- Promote FAW safeguarding policies.

- Monitor best practice at club level.

- Act as liaison between club and Area Association.

- Implement reporting procedure and escalate concerns to Area Association/FAW Safeguarding where necessary.

- Investigate safeguarding issues where appropriate.

- Reporting issues to Area Safeguarding Officer that cannot be dealt with at a League level.

- Support clubs when going through a restructure (i.e. change of verifier or club safeguarding officer).

- Ensure individuals have received the necessary training.

- Monitor Club Accreditation Programme (in partnership with League Accreditation Officer)

- To find out more about the roles and responsibilities of the Area Association and FAW Safeguarding team, please click here

The Football League is committed to safeguarding all children and club staff, we want people to have a fun, enjoyable and positive experience, and safeguarding is vital to this. Everybody involved in Welsh football has a responsibility towards safeguarding and welfare of the child is the paramount consideration!

As per the Club Accreditation Regulations all clubs must have a Club Safeguarding Officer who has completed the FAW Safeguarding Award. In addition, in order to meet the standard level required for entry into our league, there must be at least one individual per team who holds a FAW Football Leaders Award and a FAW First Aid Award. We would also encourage coaches to complete the FAW Safeguarding Award as a means of best practice.

It is imperative that all complaints, concerns and allegations are investigated thoroughly with the welfare of the child being the paramount consideration.


REMEMBER: It is not your responsibility to determine if abuse has taken place, but it is your responsibility to report it!

RESPOND, RECORD, REPORT!  If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a child, please contact the Police on 999

In recent years, social media such as Facebook and Twitter have become a part of our everyday lives. The use of social media can certainly be seen to have a positive influence on Welsh football. When used correctly, it can be instrumental in raising the profiles of clubs within their communities.

As a member of a club, whether it is as a player, manager or club official, The FAW Fair Play Code encourages individuals to be ambassadors for the game in Wales and therefore they should always exercise professional judgment and common sense in their approach to anything that is written on social media sites.

Individuals should not refrain from communicating on social media sites – everyone has the right to express themselves online – but anything that is said / written by an individual can reflect on the club.

The FAW Fair Play Code illustrates the necessity for good behaviour and encourages the positive ‘Fair Play’ message to be adopted when using social media sites.

As best practice, individuals should:

- Be respectful and positive, treating others as they would wish to be treated. respect is part of the game and is fundamental to the FAW Fair Play Code. As an ambassador for the game in Wales, individuals should always be professional and polite in respect of their audience and the communities with which they interact online. Regardless of audience profile, everyone deserves to be treated with the same equal respect

- Remember that the internet is permanent and that information travels and easily online. Many different audiences will see a post and therefore individuals should remember that deleted posts can always be located. Individuals should not post anything they would not ve comfortable seeing in the media.

- Be in the right state of mind when writing a post. Individuals should never post when they’re angry, upset or their judgment is impaired as this can lead to engaging insulting behaviour and the alienation of their individuals.

- Be responsible for what is written. Every individual who is actively involved in football in Wales has a responsibility for upholding the image of the game. Both clubs and individuals must understand that writing anything on a social media site which is seen to be a breach of the above guidelines will be dealt with by the league management committee accordingly.

#KNOWYOURSTUFF Click here to find out more

FAW Fair Play Code – Click here to find out more


Bridgend Port Talbot Football League in the South of Wales, hosting 34 clubs across multiple divisions and competitions.

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